What Paul Had at the End (Pack of 5)
Tract-0474What Paul Had at the End (Pack of 5)
When Paul neared death (2 Timothy 4:6–8), he inadvertently gave an inventory of his possessions (4:12). It seems all he had beyond the clothes on his back was a coat, some
books, and parchments. And they were miles away in Troas. He requested Timothy to bring them.
This points to the poverty of the first gospel preachers—and also to their dedication. They lived out what Jesus said, “Whoever of you does not forsake all that he has cannot be My disciple” (Luke 14:33; cf. 5:11, 28; 14:26; 18:22–23, 28–30). Paul had given all for Christ.
But Paul had gained more than he had given. He had more than three things to list on an inventory. Much more. His last chapter reveals his spiritual inventory at
the end of his life.