3,000 Converted (Pack of 5)
Tract-05073,000 (Three Thousand) Converted (Pack of 5)
Three thousand is a significant number in Scripture. Solomon wrote 3,000 proverbs (1 Chronicles 4:32). Job lost 3,000 camels (Job 1:3). Nabal kept 3,000 sheep (1
Samuel 25:2). Josiah donated 3,000 bulls (2 Kings 35:7). Joshua sent 3,000 soldiers (Joshua 7:3–4). Samson was apprehended by 3,000 Jews and killed 3,000 Philistines (Judges 15:11; 16:27). Saul took 3,000 men to capture David by the Rocks of the Wild Goats (1 Samuel 24:2).
The most important 3,000 in the Bible is the last 3,000 in the Bible. On Pentecost Sunday, ad 33, the church began with 3,000 baptisms (Acts 2:41)