SPANISH Edition VBSS All Five Lessons on One USB - Jule Miller Visualized Bible Study Series

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Spanish Edition of the VBSS All Five Lessons on One USB - Jule Miller Visualized Bible Study Series

For over three generations, hundreds of thousands, both in the USA and all over the world have been saved and added to the Lord's church having learned God's way of salvation through Bible study using the Visualized Bible Study Series.

Presented in five clear, concise, 45 minute lessons so God's truth can be easily understood:

  1. The Patriarchal Age
  2. The Mosaic Age
  3. The Christian Age
  4. God's Plan for Redeeming Man
  5. History of the Lord's Church

The teaching style is straightforward but not offensive. Teaching God's way of salvation with the power of many hundreds of colorful visuals can help reach those who are in need of God's saving grace. Manuals are available to be left with the personal evangelism student. Used widely in-home studies, Bible classes, prison ministries, and pulpit presentations. Manuals are sold separately. 

This version is for a USB drive with all five videos for quick use on a computer, smart TV, or iPad or tablet with an adapter. 


These videos are copyrighted by Glad Tidings Publishing. 

Below we will outline how you may use them, but quite simply, 
if you have not paid for these videos and are using them, you 
are in violation of copyright. 
Many people have a misconception that copyright only means if you
make copies for the purpose of making money. That is not the case
and fair use does not cover unlawful copying and distribution.
It is wrong for a Christian to violate the law.
Here are some quick guidelines to help you stay within the law.
You May:
  • Load these on multiple devices that are used by one person for 
  • the purpose of Bible study.
  • Examples include putting it in a smart TV, loading it on your iPad, 
  • loading it on your computer or laptop for showing in someone's home. 
  • Play these off of the flash drive. 
  • Burn a copy to DVD for personal use.
You May Not:
  • Give copies of these files away. 
  • Load them on the internet or any internet service such as YouTube.
  • Make copies for friends/family/church. 
  • Distribute and sell any copies.
By placing theses in this format, we are trusting our brethren not
to use them or distribute them in such a way as to harm our ability
to continue to work on and produce this material. 

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