300 (Three Hundred) Heroes (Pack of 10)
Tract-0516300 (Three Hundred) Heroes (Pack of 10)
Side by side with Leonidas and his three hundred Spartans, the immortal heroes of Thermopylae, we place Gideon and his three hundred Hebrews, the immortal heroes of Mount Gilboa.
The world is oppressed by Satan and his hosts. What is a congregation but an army enlisted under the banner of the cross? Let us rise up and be free (John 8:32; Romans 6:17–18). “Fight the good fight of faith” (1 Timothy 6:12). What are all gospel preachers and elderships but leaders of the host? It is a call to leave the domain of Satan and be translated into the kingdom of God’s dear Son. Once we are in the Lord’s kingdom, His enemies become our enemies.
Our enemy has already been vanquished; the Captain of our salvation has “led captivity captive” (Ephesians 4:8) and has through death destroyed “him who had the power of death” (Hebrews 2:14).