Spiritual Sword Church Music: Again V55 No 1

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Why are we doing another issue of THE SPIRITUAL SWORD on instrumental music in
worship? There are at least three reasons.

First, all of our back issues on this topic have sold out. Conditions in the brotherhood
have increased the demand for material on this subject. Many members of the church
have been driven to a fresh study of the matter. We want to be able to provide logical,
scriptural, and thoughtful justification for the practice of churches of Christ for those
who desire to investigate.

Second, the present-day approach to the topic is different from past efforts, and we
need to address the current line of argumentation. People once were interested in Bible
teaching and Bible authority, but now some dispense with searching the scriptures (Acts
17:11). They manifest a flippant attitude of “Who cares?” Whether to have instrumental
music is a minor matter to them, and they want it and are determined to have it. These
individuals seldom make an effort to prove anything (1 Thess. 5:21). Their refuge is an
emotional appeal, not a biblical pursuit.

Third, there has been little to no preaching or teaching on this subject in many places.
Some congregations have not heard a sermon on why churches of Christ do not employ
instruments in worship in the last thirty to forty years. It is little wonder that many of
our young people do not have strong convictions on the matter. They have never heard a single lesson on the subject in their lifetime. This lack of instruction makes them vulnerable to false teaching and cultural trends.

EDITORIAL - Alan E. Highers Why Is Instrumental Music a Big Deal?
What Is Acceptable Worship? .............................................Phil Sanders
The Sin of Presumption.....................................................Allen Webster
Our Authority in Religion ......................................Steve Higginbotham
Changing Attitudes Toward the Scriptures .....................Hiram Kemp
Is Congregational Singing Required in the Worship of God in the New Testament Church?..........Guy N. Woods
The Pressure to Conform ....................................................Glenn Colley
The Difference in Additions and Expedients .................Hugh Fulford
The History of the Instrumental Music Controversy.............Gary C. Hampton
Choose You This Day .................................................................Bill Boyd
The Voice of the Pioneers...............................................Alan E. Highers
Historical Notes and Sacred Principles .......................Alan E. Highers
A Plea for a Passage .............................................................G. C. Brewer
In Memoriam

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