Enough and to Spare (Pack of 10)

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Enough and to Spare (Pack of 10)

The prodigal boy in the pigpen saw things a lit­tle differently than he had when wanderlust first pulled him from his father’s farm. Hungry, lonely, tired, and ashamed, he now wanted nothing more than to go home. He thought, “I’m hungry, but my father has plenty. Even his servants leave bread on the table when they finish eating.” He had good memories of home—and they led him back where he needed to be. (Stop and read Luke 15:11–24.)

What about you? Have you left a Father who loves you? Did the devil’s playpen turn out to be more like a pigpen for you, too? You can come home. There is still “bread enough and to spare.” What does today’s returning prodigal find at the Father’s house?

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