Coming Into God's Presence (Pack of 10) - Glad Tidings Publishing

Coming Into God's Presence (Pack of 10)

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Coming Into God's Presence (Pack of 10)

Because the Jews had defended it so fanatically, the Roman general Pompey was anxious to see what was in the temple’s most sacred room, the Holy of Holies. He was surprised to find it empty. He wondered why so many Jews had died to defend an empty room. He
did not understand the concept of a God “eternal, immortal, invisible” (1 Timothy 1:17).

The worship service is about recognition. It is the time in a Christian’s week when he remembers the majesty of his God. It is the time when she acknowledges the greatness of her God’s character and deeds. It is the time when God’s people as a group fulfill one
of His strongest desires. The Bible commands, “Acknowledge Him” (Proverbs 3:6).

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