Personal Evangelism - Rob Whitacre (2 DVD Set)
RW-PE-DVDPersonal Evangelism DVD (two-disc set)
Disc 1 will teach you how to become a successful soul-winner. This five-lesson seminar will encourage and teach the viewer to effectively reach lost souls using God's Word and proven methods.
This five-lesson seminar will encourage and teach the viewer to effectively reach lost souls using God’s Word and proven methods.
Let’s Get Motivated: 51 min.
This session will relay several personal accounts of conversions. It has worked and is still working.
Let’s Stay with the Message: 40 min.
This session focuses on the power of the Word. We must put “the Bible” back into Personal Bible Studies!
Let’s Talk About the Manner: 43 min.
How do you get into a Bible Study? How did Jesus, our Master Evangelist, develop such a large following?
We must put “personal” back into Personal Bible Studies!
Let’s Not Argue About the Method: 42 min.
It’s time to introduce: “Back to the Bible” and demonstrate how to use it by watching a real Bible study take place around a kitchen table.
Let’s Apply the Model: 45 min.
Now let’s deal with difficult questions. How does this work in my world?
Disc 2 (A Personal Bible Study). A reenactment of the Back to the Bible three-lesson evangelism study. This program will provide the viewer with the opportunity to observe an actual study in which Rob Whitacre will use the principles he teaches in his seminar. He will deal with difficult questions and present several closings.
A Personal Bible Study
A reenactment of the Back to the Bible three-lesson evangelism study. This program will provide the viewer the opportunity to observe an actual study in which Rob Whitacre will use the principles he teaches in his seminar. He will deal with difficult questions and present several closings.
Book 1 – Our Authority in Religion (1 hr. 23 min.)
Book 2 – The Church (1 hr. 24 min.)
Book 3 – Your Spiritual Condition (1 hr. 46 min.)