Spiritual Sword: 1969-2021 on CD-ROM
Spiritual Sword Lectureship Book 2014: Great Bible Portraits of the Old Testament
Spiritual Sword Lectureship Book 2012: Forever Settled in Heaven
Spiritual Sword Lectureship Book 2011: Power Packed Parables
Spiritual Sword Lectureship Book 2010: The God of Our Fathers
Spiritual Sword Lectureship Book 2009: “Lead Me To Calvary”
Spiritual Sword Lectureship Book 2007: “Lift Up Your Eyes” (John 4:35)
Spiritual Sword Lectureship Book 2004: The Foundations (Psalms 11:3)
Spiritual Sword Lectureship Book 2002: The Authority of the Bible
Spiritual Sword Lectureship Book 2001: The Glory of Preaching (Passing the Torch)
Spiritual Sword Lectureship Book 2000: The All-Sufficiency of the Bible
Spiritual Sword Lectureship Book 1997: The Church – The Sect Everywhere Spoken Against
Spiritual Sword Lectureship Book 1995: God’s Amazing Grace
Spiritual Sword Lectureship Book 1993: The Restoration – The Winds of Change
Spiritual Sword Lectureship Book 1992: Marriage, Divorce and Remarriage
Spiritual Sword Lectureship Book 1990: The Scheme of Redemption
Spiritual Sword Lectureship Book 1989: The Book of Mark
Spiritual Sword Lectureship Book 1988: The Book of Matthew