Why Do Good Things Happen to Good People? (Pack of 10)
Tract-0499Why Do Good Things Happen to Good People?
(Pack of 10)
People want to discuss why bad things happen to good people, but this is only one of four realities. There is much good in the world. How can it be explained apart from God?
Strictly speaking, none are good but God. Jesus said to the young, rich ruler, “Why do you call Me good? No one is good but One, that is, God. But if you want to enter into life, keep the commandments” (Mark 10:18). He plainly means that only God is good (Romans 3:10). In that sense, there are no good people (Romans 3:12). God is the standard of righteousness, and all fall short of that standard (Romans 3:23). On the other hand, the
Bible calls Barnabas a “good man” (Acts 11:24; cf. Luke 6:45).
Why do good things happen to good people?