Overcoming Worry, Fear, and Doubt (Pack of 5)

Overcoming Worry, Fear, and Doubt (Pack of 5)

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Overcoming Worry, Fear, and Doubt (Pack of 5)

A little of some things is sufficient. The old commercial for hair cream said, “A little dab’ll do ya.” We are satisfied with a little trouble, a little rain, a little homework, a little electric bill, and a little sickness. 

A little of other things is too much. A little poison in our food would be unacceptable. A little water in the gas tank is unsatisfactory. A little hole in a tire is a big problem. A little kidney stone brings a lot of pain. No one wants a little cancer or minor surgery

A little of other things is dangerous. A little courage may lead a soldier to battle, but not through it; it might take the parachutist to the plane’s open door, but not to the actual jump. A little wisdom may give false pride or cause others to follow the wrong person. A little knowledge can put a teenager (who thinks he knows all there is to know about driving) into a position where he endangers lives. Those children who know just enough about guns to load, point, and pull the trigger are very dangerous. 

What a little courage, wisdom, or knowledge is to the body, a little faith is to the soul. The Bible speaks of degrees of faith, covering the spectrum from great faith (Matthew 8:8–10), to weak faith (Romans 14:5), to dead faith (James 2:17). Matthew records the Lord’s use of the phrase, “O you of little faith” on four occasions. Each time He attributed a different result to their lack of faith (Matthew 6:30, 8:26; 14:31; 16:8; Luke 12:28).


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