Recipes for Evangelism - Cookbook Updated and Expanded
NW-Recipes-For-EvangelismRecipes for Evangelism
Updated and Expanded for 2020
By Nicole Whitacre
Some of my fondest memories in life revolve around a table full of food with family and friends sitting around it. A lot of preparation goes into a meal. It is more than physical ingredients like flour, milk, and butter; it is a mixture of love, patience, and people. As with songs that we never forget, the aroma creates memories of smiles, laughter, stories, and the building of lifelong relationships that may last into eternity.
The recipes herein contained are about souls being saved through Christian hospitality. I can honestly say that if it were not for the simple ancient act of preparing a meal and opening our home to strangers, there would be dozens upon dozens of souls who would be lost today. The Gospel is the power of God to save, but Christian kindness that is extended to the lost is the means through which the heart is opened for the Seed to be planted.